あなたがいなくて寂しいです。(Watashi wa anata ga inai node taihen sabishii) I miss you
Everyone says to give up on you bt they didnt see you like I do ur the one who broke my heart , you're the reason my world fell apart , you're the one who made me cry yet I still love you and I dont know why ? I knew Im not supposed to love you , Im not supposed to care and Im not supposed to live my life wishin you where Im not suppose to wonder where you are and what are do . Im sorry I cant help myself . I didnt know what to do , I was confused too . I couldnt get you out off my mind . Why couldnt you see ? I wanted you to fall in love with . I wanted you to see life through my eyes . It had been like a knife , straight throught my heart . When I'd heard what he'd said . It kept running trough my head . It was killing me inside . I couldnt believe he
find someone that meant everything for him . And all I did was simply hurt .
I make a poem fer him:)
Because everything you do ,
Makes me smile:)
Because every second spent with you ,
Is worthwhile.
Because when you laugh at me
I laugh too:D
Because everyone else can see ,
That I'm devoted to you.
Because I love your eyes ,
And the way they shine.
Because you don't tell lies ,
And you're so cute when you whine
Because when you get mad ,
You can't hide it.
Because even when you're sad ,
I can't find.
Because the way you hold me ,
Sends shivers down my spine.
Because your spirits so free ,
And your so damn fine.
Because I never stop thinking about you ,
It's just not fair.
Because you're so perfect.
And no one else can compare.

find someone that meant everything for him . And all I did was simply hurt .
I make a poem fer him:)
Because everything you do ,
Makes me smile:)
Because every second spent with you ,
Is worthwhile.

Because when you laugh at me
I laugh too:D

Because everyone else can see ,
That I'm devoted to you.
Because I love your eyes ,

And the way they shine.
Because you don't tell lies ,
And you're so cute when you whine

Because when you get mad ,
You can't hide it.
Because even when you're sad ,
I can't find.
Because the way you hold me ,
Sends shivers down my spine.
Because your spirits so free ,
And your so damn fine.

Because I never stop thinking about you ,
It's just not fair.
Because you're so perfect.

And no one else can compare.

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