How to Make a Guy Fall For You - 6 Tricks to Attract a Guy
These are few tricks to be followed to attract a guy and make him fall in love with. The first thing you should keep in mind is self confidence, confidence that you have the power to attract anyone in world, trust yourself that whatever you are doing is right
1. You pay attention to what he is saying just listen to his view point, this will realize him that you like talking him and give importance to him. If he is upset make him smile to show that you care about him. Talk about his likes and dislikes
2. Try to be little different from other women rather than talking about boring home stuff you should talk about his problems and other stuff related to him and it will be better if you talk about love and romance this will make him desperate to talk you more
3. Try to have a good sense of humor. Make efforts to bring smile on his face rather than talking about serious matters, this may annoy him. Try to flirt with him this may change his mood and develop some feeling for you
4. Try to buildup your personal magnetism and for these good textured clothes will help you out, make yourself as beautiful as you can
5. Try to make yourself a great person with a motivating, cheerful, caring, nature. Never talk about some other guy in front of the guy you like. First try to a friend and than a lover, this will give you time to understand each other
- Never play games with the heart of a guy.
Don't play the role of both a friend and a lover. This may confuse a guy about your feeling for him and push him under the burden of humiliation
- If a guy is not interested in you don't try to push yourself. It is possible he is not thinking in same way as you are.
- You should take care about the thing that if a person is trying to be kind and generous towards you that does not mean he likes you
- Never have thinking that you want the guy at any cost specially when you know that he is already engaged with someone else
Now you know how to make a guy mad after you, but being a girl never forget your limits. Woman is another name of devotion and love, never hurt anyone. Be true and yourself. Use your natural femininity to make a person love you. Never think that love can never happen to you, a right person will surely meet you at right time, and you just need to identify him.
Finally, let me ask you...
Do you ever feel like you just can't find the right man for you? And if you did that he might not be attracted to YOU? Would you like to know how to change this?
Or is there a man in your life right now with whom you would like to take things from "casual" to "committed", but you're not sure exactly how to do it in a way that you know will work or even if he is interested in in YOU the same way?
Or are you in a relationship right now that seems to be growing "stale"because your man doesn't do nice things for you, call you, or make plans the way he used to and you'd like a fast and easy way to get things back to the way they used to be?
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