First LOVE ^^

heyy , first of all , i wanna tell you that my english was not perfect like yours , savvy?:) setakat faham sudah && thnks you guys bcoz click this blog and waste your time ^^

this blog i made just for him , yeah , only HIM :)
why lei ? heh, because he make me become like this

okie hunny bunny

its begins on dec '07 , I never expected that the day would changed everythng. GOD show me that he's the one and the only one. i started join one of online game called 'Ragnarok Trinity'
. This is my first char :

this char was awesome ,

his char name : 'ShienBei', haha , still remember doe ;P
then i starting to sembangsembang with him
he told me his name '

After that , we started to used myspace to chat because its more easier huh? ^^
when i saw his profile, OMFG, he's sososo cute leii

I felt so happy startng on 14th Jan until now because there's someone who were always said to me "ily sayanggg" every day

I love the dreams i have of u
i wish they would come true
do u wish that too
i wish i could tell you
oh how i wish u knew
all of the dreams of u and i
i wouldn't want to dream of any other guy
my dreams of u feel real
so what's the big deal
in my dreams we "do it"
i like it a little bit
that's no lie
i can't say why
i love the dreams i have of u

I love you not for who you are,but its who I am when I'm with you.. I want to live a lil bit longer to spends my life with you. Syg, do pray that i'll recover as soon as possible.

4th July '08 ;

You was the first guy
i ever had a crush on
you was the first guy
i got to call my boyfriend
you was the first guy
to kiss me
you was the first guy
to steal my heart
you was the first guy
i fell in love with
you was the first guy
i made love too
you was the first guy
to break my heart
you was the first guy
i ever missed
you was the first guy
i think about when i hear a love song
you were my first everything
now you are the first guy
i will forget
i just act like i can forget bout him
hmm, but .............IMY LIKE CRAZYYY !!!!!!

I miss you when
something really good happens,
because you're the one
I want to share it with.
I miss you when
something is troubling me,
because you're the only one
who understands me so well.
I miss you when
I laugh and cry,
because I know that
you're the one who makes
my laughter grow and
my tears disappear.
I miss you all the time,
but I miss you the most
when I lie awake at night
and think of all the wonderful times
we spent with each other
for those were some of the
best memorable times of my life.
Missing you so much it hurts!
Do you believe me?
Can you see the lies in my eyes?
The things I hide
I admit I have flaws
Secrets and regrets
I wish I never kept
But I don't regret meeting you
And it's no secret to
How many times do I have to say it
Do I have to get on my knees?
To make you believe
It's you and me
Never apart
I could near depart
Without you...
I can't make you love me
I won't force you to try
I just don't want to see you CRY
Or hear you say GOODBYE
I want to be WITH YOU
our song ; b , nyanyi kt elly skali lagi bole?
i ever had a crush on
you was the first guy
i got to call my boyfriend
you was the first guy
to kiss me
you was the first guy
to steal my heart
you was the first guy
i fell in love with
you was the first guy
i made love too
you was the first guy
to break my heart

you was the first guy
i ever missed

you was the first guy
i think about when i hear a love song
you were my first everything
now you are the first guy
i will forget

i just act like i can forget bout him
hmm, but .............IMY LIKE CRAZYYY !!!!!!

I miss you when
something really good happens,
because you're the one
I want to share it with.
I miss you when
something is troubling me,
because you're the only one
who understands me so well.

I miss you when
I laugh and cry,
because I know that
you're the one who makes
my laughter grow and
my tears disappear.

I miss you all the time,
but I miss you the most
when I lie awake at night
and think of all the wonderful times
we spent with each other
for those were some of the
best memorable times of my life.

Missing you so much it hurts!



Do you believe me?
Can you see the lies in my eyes?

The things I hide
I admit I have flaws
Secrets and regrets
I wish I never kept
But I don't regret meeting you
And it's no secret to

How many times do I have to say it
Do I have to get on my knees?
To make you believe
It's you and me
Never apart
I could near depart
Without you...
I can't make you love me
I won't force you to try
I just don't want to see you CRY
Or hear you say GOODBYE
I want to be WITH YOU
our song ; b , nyanyi kt elly skali lagi bole?

eeee budak nie kan gembeng tau , dia suka nanges , dia nanges sebab orang yang dia sayang , dia suka tido , dia suka makan smpai gemok . dia suka ckp Macam Nak Penampaq , suka sangat kalao dia ckp mcm tu , comel sgtsgt !
heee , sayang anda :)
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